Let’s talk about Sei and compare it to the competition

3 min readMay 21, 2023


Sei: The Fastest Blockchain for Trading Applications and Exchanges

Sei is a general-purpose Layer 1 blockchain that offers the best infrastructure for trading applications. Sei is optimized for high-performance, scalability, and affordability, making it the perfect choice for businesses that require fast and efficient blockchain solutions. With Sei, developers can build decentralized applications and NFTs, gaming platforms, and exchanges without having to worry about scalability and speed issues.

Sei’s mission is to build the best infrastructure for exchanges and trading applications. As a result, Sei has developed a blockchain that is super-fast, efficient, and highly scalable. Sei’s innovative design allows projects to be developed on the fastest blockchain with an affordable deployment cost. The platform bridges the gap between the traditional financial system and decentralized systems. It also provides players, investors with a superhighway to execute transactions faster, safer, or at a cheaper cost.

Although Sei was developed primarily for trading applications, it is still important to compare it with other popular blockchain solutions to determine its competitive advantages. In this section, we will compare Sei with Bitcoin, Solana and Ethereum.

Speed and Scalability
When it comes to speed and scalability, Solana is the main competitor, processing up to 65k transactions per second (TPS) on its blockchain, while Sei has reached 10k TPS on its test network and expects over 20k on the mainnet. Bitcoin and Ethereum, on the other hand, have significantly lower TPS than the first two.
In terms of adoption, Bitcoin still leads with the most significant market capital and decentralized network. Ethereum, on the other hand, has an extensive ecosystem with a huge number of developers creating decentralized applications, NFT and DeFi platforms. Solana, on the other hand, is more focused on NFT and games.

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Sei’s transaction fees are significantly lower than Bitcoin and Ethereum, especially during times of high traffic, thanks to its optimized and affordable infrastructure. Solana’s transaction fees are also lower, but deploy cheaper nodes, making it more expensive to participate in the network.

Being an energy-intensive Proof-of-Work blockchain, Bitcoin has substantial transaction fees, which become expensive when the network is congested.

NFTs and Gaming

Sei has optimized its infrastructure for gaming and NFTs, offering fast and cost-effective NFT deployment on its blockchain with high-performance smart contracts. Ethereum leads the NFT market and gaming industry, but Sei has been gaining popularity in this sector with an affordable, scalable, and fast infrastructure. It’s worth noting that Solana has gaming and NFT projects that show great potential for massive adoption.


While Bitcoin, Solana, and Ethereum are all formidable blockchain solutions with their advantages and disadvantages, Sei, in terms of speed, scalability, affordability, and optimized infrastructure for trading applications, NFTs, and gaming has a competitive edge. With its mission to build the best infrastructure for exchanges and trading applications, Sei’s community of experienced developers is growing rapidly. Sei is the perfect blockchain solution for businesses that require fast, scalable, and cost-efficient platforms for trading applications and other use cases.

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